Sunday, March 6, 2011


Day 19 : Disrespecting your parents.

Through my whole life, I mean until now, my 20th years of life, I'd never being disrespect towards my parents. or maybe I have, but I didn't realised it. but whatever it is, I always ask for their forgiveness ; masa raya ;) I know it's not good for being a disrecpectful daughter. nanti jadi macam si Tanggang. I really believe that parents blessing are really important. so that you can have a blessful and meaningful life. I love my parents so much. and if one day ; it will come the day that I would get married and have kids. and I hope I would always get to be with my father and listen to him.


Ct Aja said...

hargaila diorang selagi diarang masih ade k...

Qaseh Dalia said...

gud !

ika said...

re ct aja : cik eyka skrg cuma ada abah. sbb tu mmg ketepikan smua bnda utk hrgai dia sorg :)

re kak qaseh : muah muah. thank you kak :D